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سامانه‌های جامع تجارت کشور رونمایی شد

شنبه, 7 مهر 1397

از صدا و سیما، این سامانه های الکترونیک در نمایشگاه بین المللی با هدف اجرای دولت الکترونیک، شفاف سازی وکاهش تخلفات و مفاسد اقتصادی و تسهیل و تسریع فرآیند تجارت رونمایی شد و با راه اندازی این سامانه ها فرآیند تجارت تسهیل وتسریع خواهد شد.

سامانه جامع تجارت

این سامانه با ایجاد یکپارچگی و هماهنگی الکترونیکی بین دستگاه های دخیل در فرآیند تجارت خارجی و داخلی منجر به ارتقا تعامل پذیری دستگاه های و یکپارچگی اطلاعات تجاری کشور می شود. با بلوغ این سامانه انتظار می رود، سرعت، سهولت و شفافیت در امور تجاری کشور محقق شود.

سامانه جامع انبارها و مراکز نگهداری کالا

این سامانه کمک شایانی به واقع نمایی میزان موجودی انواع کالا می کند و امکان مدیریت و تنظیم بازار را با دقت بالاتر فراهم می کند. با راه اندازی این سامانه کمبودهای احتمالی قابل پیشگیری و موارد احتکار کالا در کشور قابل شناسایی خواهد بود.

سامانه شناسه کالا

این سامانه با ایجاد یک زبان مشترک برای تبادل اطلاعات کالایی، تناقضات آماری بین دستگاه ها را کاهش می دهد. همچنین با ایجاد یک طبقه بندی مشترک، اعمال سیستمی ضوابط کالایی را زمینه سازی می کند که خود کمک شایانی به سیستمی شدن تصمیم گیری ها، کاهش خطاهای انسانی و تسریع فرایندهای مربوط به کنترل کالا می شود.

سامانه اعتبار سنجی و رتبه بندی اعتباری

یکی از علل طولانی بودن فرایندهای تجاری اعمال ضوابط سخت گیرانه برهمه بازرگانان با هدف کاهش مفاسد است اعتبار سنجی و رتبه بندی اعتباری راهکاری پیشرفته جهت ایجاد سهولت برای بازرگان با سابقه مثبت است که البته باعث ایجاد انگیزش برای اصلاح رفتار تجاری و ایجاد سابقه واعتبار مثبت می شود.

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  Fisher declined to give any details of the Fed's contingency plans. He spoke with Reuters at the start of a three-day blitz of public appearances in New York at which he is expected to call for a long-term resolution to the current U.S. fiscal standoff.

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  "That was, without a doubt, the most egregious piece of anti-gun legislation ever brought to a governor for his signature," said Clint Montfort, an attorney with Michel and Associates, West Coast counsel for the National Rifle Association. "We appreciate that the governor has respected the rights of California gun owners."

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  The New Jersey bill passed by a vote of 29-4 in the state Senate, and by 60-5 in the Assembly, and nine U.S. states have already passed bills to phase out pig gestation crates. A growing number of companies, including McDonald’s, Costco, Safeway, Kroger, and Oscar Mayer have also agreed to stop using the crates, and the entire European Union bans their use. Christie, however, remains unmoved.

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I'd like to pay this in, please http://www.gregahern.us/stmap_19xorppt.html?seroflo.olmesartan.levitra ciprofloxacino jarabe peru  The Bay of Pigs Invasion, known in Hispanic America as Bahia De Cochinos, was an unsuccessful military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the paramilitary group Brigade 2506 on 17 April 1961. A counter-revolutionary military trained and funded by the United States government&#8217;s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Brigade 2506 fronted the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intended to overthrow the revolutionary left wing government of Fidel Castro. Launched from Guatemala, the invading force was defeated within three days by the Cuban armed forces, under the direct command of Prime Minister Fidel Castro.

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30/02/1401 02:00 ب.ظ

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Did you go to university? http://diglynden.com/stmap_31fqfoiz.html?desyrel.breast.methylcobalamin.cialis international pharm-med  A man stands watching a wildfire in Santiago de Besteiros, near Caramulo, central Portugal, early on August 30, 2013. Five Portuguese mountain villages were evacuated overnight as forest fires intensified in the country's north and centre, officials said today. As many as 1,400 firefighters were dispatched Thursday to tackle the blaze in the mountains and another raging further north in the national park of Alvao, where 2,000 hectares (4,900 acres) of pine forest have already been destroyed, according to the local mayor.

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Three years http://banlaophen.go.th/stmap_54xzbfos.html?viagra.baclofen.neurontin.fml dosis de ibuprofeno pediamecum  Robin Williams delivered the first tribute of the night — to his “Mork & Mindy” co-star Winters, who passed away in April at the age of 87. "Jamming with Jonathan was like dancing with Fred Astaire,” he said.

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Recorded Delivery http://highhalstow.org.uk/stmap_64mvltdi.html?antabuse.selegiline.staytal.levitra paracetamol bebe bula  That ruthlessness is mirrored in Jobs himself, and the film goes to great lengths to establish the darker elements of his character. Initial glimmers come as he berates coworkers during an early stint at Atari, and ropes Wozniak in on a project for a cut rate by lying about what Atari’s paying him. By the time we see Jobs fillet and then fire an Apple programmer in 1980 for suggesting fonts are unimportant to Apple’s Lisa computer, the character is so clearly an anti-hero that what comes next – Jobs screwing friend and founding employee Daniel Kottke out of shares when Apple goes public, his stabbing hand-picked CEO John Scully in the back during the 1985 power struggle that led to Jobs leaving Apple, and his ouster of founding investor Mike Markkula from the board upon his return as CEO in 1997 – suck up nearly all of the story’s oxygen.

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